New Account Setup

Please complete all fields and upload the requested documents (in PDF or JPG format) to create a new ML Schedules™ Software user account and related Group(s).


Class Description
Type 1 Scholastic Activities, Student Organizations, And School District-Sponsored Activities. School organizations such as classes, clubs, athletic teams, CCIU, and school-sponsored events whose primary purpose and function is to support the school district's programs shall be allowed free use of school facilities outside of regular school hours for regular meetings, approved social functions, and athletic contests under the conditions and procedures established by the administration. No fees are required for groups using school district facilities during regularly scheduled custodial staffing hours. Activities and events may be held Mondays through Fridays no earlier than 7:00 AM and shall conclude by 11:00 P.M. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Director of Facilities and Operations or his/her designee. If admission for any event is charged, the proceeds should exclusively benefit the sponsoring Type 1 organization or the school district; otherwise, fees will be charged for school district staff labor, as required for the event.
Type 2 School-Related Parent Organizations And Booster Groups. PTOs, booster groups, and other such school-related parent organizations shall be allowed use of school facilities outside of regular school hours for meetings. Rental fees for the use of facilities will only be charged if an admission for an event or registration fee is collected, or use occurs outside of normal custodial staffing hours. Fees will be in accordance with the fee schedule in 707-AG-1.
Type 3 Emergency Service Organizations (Federal, State, Municipal) And Voter Services. Emergency service organizations (federal, state, municipal) and voter services shall be allowed free use of school facilities outside of regular school hours for regularly scheduled meetings and approved functions under the conditions and procedures established by the administration. No fees are required for groups using school district facilities during regularly scheduled custodial staffing hours. Fees for use of facilities outside normal custodial staffing hours will be in accordance with the fee schedule in 707-AG-1.
Type 4 Municipality-Sponsored Recreation. Recreation camps, leagues, etc., sponsored or run by a municipality within the boundaries of the West Chester Area School District, shall be allowed use of school facilities outside of regular school hours for events and approved functions under the conditions and procedures established by the administration. Fees are required for groups using school district facilities in accordance with the fee schedule in 707-AG-1.
Type 5A Nonprofit Continuing Education, Nonprofit Cultural Education, Nonprofit Performance Groups, Girl Scouts, And Boy Scouts. Nonprofit continuing education (Chester County Night School, colleges and universities, etc.), nonprofit cultural education (Huaxia Chinese School, etc.), nonprofit performance groups (such as Chester County Concert Band, Chester County Pops, etc.), and the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America shall be allowed use of school facilities outside of regular school hours for regular meetings, events, and approved functions under the conditions and procedures established by the administration. Nonprofit groups are any group with an IRS letter showing 50l (c) 3 tax exempt status. Fees are required for groups using school district facilities in accordance with the fee schedule in 707-AG-1. Type 5A groups are those whose membership is composed of at least sixty percent (60%) West Chester Area School District residents.
Type 5B Nonprofit Continuing Education, Nonprofit Cultural Education, Nonprofit Performance Groups, Girl Scouts, And Boy Scouts. Nonprofit continuing education (Chester County Night School, colleges and universities, etc.), nonprofit cultural education (Huaxia Chinese School, etc.), nonprofit performance groups (such as Chester County Concert Band, Chester County Pops, etc.), and the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America shall be allowed use of school facilities outside of regular school hours for regular meetings, events, and approved functions under the conditions and procedures established by the administration. Nonprofit groups are any group with an IRS letter showing 50l (c) 3 tax exempt status. Fees are required for groups using school district facilities in accordance with the fee schedule in 707-AG-1. Type 5B groups are those whose membership is not composed of at least sixty percent (60%) West Chester Area School District residents.
Type 6A Nonschool-Related, Nonprofit Community Groups And Activities. Organized groups which are nonprofit, and charge a fee, tuition, registration, membership fee, admission cost, etc., such as YMCA, recreational sports clubs, religious groups, homeowner groups, etc., shall be allowed use of school facilities outside of regular school hours for regular meetings, events, and approved functions under the conditions and procedures established by the administration. Nonprofit groups are any group with an IRS letter showing 50l (c) 3 tax exempt status. Fees are required for groups using school district facilities in accordance with the fee schedule in 707-AG-1. Type 6A groups are those whose membership is composed of at least sixty percent (60%) of West Chester Area School District residents.
Type 6B Nonschool-Related, Nonprofit Community Groups And Activities. Organized groups which are nonprofit, and charge a fee, tuition, registration, membership fee, admission cost, etc., such as YMCA, recreational sports clubs, religious groups, homeowner groups, etc., shall be allowed use of school facilities outside of regular school hours for regular meetings, events, and approved functions under the conditions and procedures established by the administration. Nonprofit groups are any group with an IRS letter showing 50l (c) 3 tax exempt status. Fees are required for groups using school district facilities in accordance with the fee schedule in 707-AG-1. Type 6B groups are those whose membership is not composed of at least sixty percent (60%) of West Chester Area School District residents.
Type 7 Nonschool-Related Community, For-Profit Organizations And Activities. Organized groups which are for-profit and/or charge a fee, tuition, registration, membership fee, admission cost, etc., such as a private individual or private enterprise group shall be allowed use of school facilities outside of regular school hours for regular meetings, events, and approved functions under the conditions and procedures established by the administration. Fees are required for groups using school district facilities in accordance with the fee schedule in 707-AG-1. For-profit groups are any groups that are not a nonprofit group. A nonprofit group is any group with an IRS letter showing 501 (c) 3 tax exempt status.
Type 8 Others. Any other entity not included in the classes listed in Type 1-7, or any entity that charges an entry/gate fee (P.I.A.A. for a non-ChesMont activity), tuition, registration, admission cost, etc., such as a special interest group, political party, etc., shall be allowed use of school facilities outside of regular school hours for regular meetings, events, and approved functions under the conditions and procedures established by the administration. Fees for this group type will be determined on an individual basis, by facility use and staffing requirements per event, by the Director of Facilities and Operations or his/her designee.

User Information








Group Information

Please list your group name, or your name if a private individual. If you are an internal staff member who will be submitting requests for a district club (i.e. not for an outside group, team etc.), please use your building name followed by the club/group. (use WCASD for district clubs)








Additional Group Information

External / Outside Groups: Upload the Group's Certificate of Insurance and its Expiration Date.


A certificate of liability insurance naming West Chester Area School District (782 Springdale Dr. Exton, 19341) as additionally insured is required to create an account. Please see #8 for recommendations at this link.
Additional Group Files
  • 501c3 nonprofit status verification
  • File2